AlstroemeriaThis flower symbolizes wealth and fortune. It is the flower of friendship.
AmaryllisThis flower is more generally used at Christmas time. It symbolizes splendid beauty.
CarnationCarnations symbolize pride and beauty. A red carnation means love, pride, and admiration. Pink the love of a woman or mother. Purple is capriciousness. Yellow is disdain, rejection or disappointment. White symbolizes innocence and pure love. The striped carnation symbolizes refusal.
LilyThese represent purity and refined beauty. White symbolizes modesty. Orange is passion. Yellow is gaiety. Lily of the Valley stands for sweetness and purity of the heart. The Easter Lily is the symbol of the Virgin Mary.
PeoniesPeonies symbolize bashflness and compassion. It can be used to represent a happy life, happy marriage, good health, and prosperity. This flower is seasonal.
Queen Anne's LaceThis symbolizes a haven or sanctuary.
RoseThe rose symbolizes love. It signifies love in various forms. Red is the unmistakable expression of love and deep emotion. White is purity and innocence. Yellow is friendship and caring. Pink is gentle emotion such as admiration and joy. Orange is passion and energy. Lavender is love at first sight. Blue is I can't have you but I can't stop thinking about you. Green is harmony and fertility. Black is the color of death or farewell.
SnapdragonIt symbolizes graciousness and strength.
Spider MumsThese are a type of Chrysanthemum. They symbolize fidelity, optimism, long life and joy.